- Language Markup and Experimental Design Software -

LMEDS is a web-based platform for running language comprehension or perception experiments with speech or text materials.

For more information, please visit the project website.

LMEDS can be downloaded here. Technical information on how to use LMEDS can also be found there.

My homepage can be found here.


LMEDS comes with a usable demo. It takes about five minutes to complete and shows the kinds of tasks that LMEDS can present to users.


For just a look at the newest features in LMEDS v2.3 (released May 17, 2016), check out this shorter demo:

LMEDS v2.3 mini Demo

LMEDS Tutorial

On April 25, 2016, I gave an invited talk at a colloqium at the University of Cologne, Institut für Linguistik - Phonetik.

The talk gives an introduction to RPT, demonstrates the process of using LMEDS to collect RPT annotations, and compares RPT annotations collected in lab-like settings to those collected over the internet, which is something enabled by LMEDS.

LMEDS: A Platform for Collecting Prosodic Annotations Online


Development of LMEDS was supported: